Dance Matchmaker - Michael Williams









Michael Williams is the founder and CFO (Chief Fun Officer) of Dance MatchMaker. With a passion for dance and promoting warm and inviting events, Michael works to bring people together through the love of music and movement. He strives to create an atmosphere where everyone can find their inner dancer, no matter skill level or background. His infectious enthusiasm guarantees that everyone in attendance will be up on their feet and having a good time. So if you're looking to take your weekend dancing from great to extraordinary, Michael Williams is your man.


Dance Matchmaker - Chantale









Chantale Piché coordinates and promotes Dance MatchMaker events, bringing people together and fostering fun connections. With her creative flair, she's our go-to person when it comes to finding the best dj's, themes, and venues for Dance MatchMaker mixers.  Chantale’s specialty is themed events, from Masquerades to her notorious Glow parties. Our energetic social butterfly is a master at creating the perfect atmosphere from start to finish.  Chantale has an eye for detail and always makes sure each affair is special and memorable.  



Dance Matchmaker - Sarita







Sarita Parks is our resident communication coach cooking up plenty of food for thought in our social media posts and blog articles.  Relationships and dating are part fun, part growth, and part learning to unpack our own baggage.  Sarita helps curate the relationship curriculum: let’s talk personality, self-sabotage, and a little about love languages so you can bring out the best in your partner and yourself.